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A Day in Our Center


– Children are greeted by the staff.
– Children see their friends.


Children and teachers share experiences, read books, move, sing songs, discuss the weather and talk about the day’s activities in a large group. Small group time is a more intimate setting where a small group delves into a unit of study, does experiments, discusses what happens during the experiment and finally, draws conclusions from the experiment. Small group time also gives the teacher the opportunity to observe children, assess their their abilities, and plan activities according to their needs and interest.


transportation 029 - CopyDuring work time children decide where they want to work since the classroom is divided into several interesting areas. There is an art area, library, table toys, blocks, puzzles and computer with two stations. The adults in the classroom join the children in their activity while encouraging language development .


This is a time for children to talk to others around the table, try new foods, learn facts about food and practice mealtime manners. Children serve themselves, pour juice and clean up spills. Nutritious meals are always served.

2013 first day 078REST TIME

Children are provided with their own cot after lunch and most children nap during this time. If a child does not wish to nap, she/he can sit on the cot and can engage in a quiet activity.

The center activities are age appropriate, Play is a child’s WORK. Our play yard has beed designed for creativeness, motor activities and FUN (closed shoes and socks are required for your child’s safety). We offer stories, music, art, indoor, outdoor play and offer opportunities for language development. Social skills are very important. Stimulating experiences are offered on a daily basis.